How does the competition work?  

The SHE MEANS BUSINESS Award is simple to enter, with a female-led business in line to win £10,000. Please visit the How It Works page for more information [link to how it works]

Who can enter? 

Women who own or co-own an existing business, or women who have a business idea that is yet to launch and are looking for that extra push to get it started. If a co-owner, you need to be managing the business. If you co-own with male partners, you need to own a minimum of 50% of the business. 

Can I enter if I already have a Tide account?

No. The SHE MEANS BUSINESS Award is eligible to those who currently do not have an existing Tide Business Account. So you need to open a Tide account to enter the competition and we hope you continue to use it, but it’s up to you.

How will it be judged? 

Entries will be reviewed by an expert judging panel from Muddy Stilettos that will choose three finalists (see below for more details what happens if you are a finalist). Muddy Stilettos’ Founder and Editor-in-Chief Hero Brown is an entrepreneur who started Muddy Stilettos 10 years ago from her kitchen table and it has grown to become the UK’s biggest luxury lifestyle platform for women outside London. 

What happens if I’m a finalist?

If you’re one of the three finalists, you’ll need to prepare a three-minute informal pitch to be presented to a small judging panel consisting of Muddy Stilettos experts and a Tide representative between 1-5pm, 06 December at Thames Lido, Reading, Berks.

As one of the three finalists, if you are an existing business you will be asked to provide a financial statement to prove you were in net profit for the 2022-23 financial year. 

New business start-ups who have not yet traded for one year will need to show a bank statement to prove they are able to sustain their business forward for 12 months in 2024

What’s the deadline for entries?

Competition entries must be completed by 2pm on 9 November 2023. Three finalists will be notified on 29 November 2023.

When will the winners be announced? 

12 December 2023

Will there be publicity about the competition?

Yes! If you win, you’ll be featured on Muddy Stilettos, in the local press and also across some of Tide’s channels.

What do I win?

£10,000 cash for your business, delivered by Muddy Stilettos on 30 December 2023. 

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