Heathside School Hampstead
A friendly, inclusive, non-selective prep school for boys and girls aged 2-11 years found in the heart of Hampstead.

Not many schools can claim Hampstead Heath as their back garden, but the clue’s in the name with Heathside School, slap bang in the middle of Hampstead village across two sites, and a few minutes’ walk to the famous North London heath, which is used by the pupils here as both playground and Forest School site.
Established some 25 years ago, Heathside remains academically non-selective, teaching boys and girls from 2-11 years (nursery to Year 6).

Heathside’s higgledy-piggledy historic buildings currently house around 120 pupils, with 12-17 in most classes. All children from Nursery to Year 6 are based at Heath Street. The secondary building, just around the corner, is now a specialist hub with an Art Studio and Science lab. The feel is homely, with muddy wellies lined up against walls, busy classrooms and two small outside courtyard play areas, one of which includes a climbing wall.
Bought by Dukes Education in 2019 after several years of managerial turbulence, the school is enjoying good reports once more for its nurturing, progressive approach – think first names for teachers, smart uniform joggers and an emphasis on outdoor play.

Based so centrally in Hampstead Village, it’s no surprise that the vast majority of facilities are off site. In terms of sport, there are lots of fixtures against other schools, the emphasis is on inclusion and joining in rather than winning at all costs – not enough pupils to jockey for A, B and C teams here! That said, there’s plenty of sport on the curriculum, with swimming one term out of three at UCS, a short 10 minute walk away for all pupils from Reception upwards and football, cricket rounders, basketball and netball as the main team sports. Cross-country, gymnastics and athletics are also available.

There’s a well-proportioned music room filled with plenty of keyboards, and the usual peri teachers offering a variety of instrumental lessons. The pupils can join groups for violin and cello, guitar, and wind instruments including the ocarina (think round plastic recorder and you won’t go far wrong) and there’s also a school choir. All the children take part in two concerts each year at school at the local church and in terms of drama, every year group puts on its own theatrical production in the summer each year. That’s an impressive theatrical commitment.

Dukes Education has invested heavily in Heathside’s new ‘Creative Hub’ combining music, drama and IT that includes brand new computers, improved acoustics and a performance area. Expect to find a small but well-equipped library, a science lab at the specialist hub (and utilised by all) and an art room.
The interiors won’t be making it into Elle Deco any time soon, but I could say that of nearly all the London schools I visit. However, there’s plenty of TLC given to the now-complete IT suits, and Dukes Education have invested heavily the outdoor play area and nursery, plus there’s a podcast studio and green screen still to come.

Academically robust, the children head off to an array of top secondary schools including Channing School, Francis Holland School, Highgate School, Merchant Taylors and Wetherby. There is early channelling here, with reading groups by reading rather than school age and children put into ability groups for maths from Year 3 onwards. Specialist teachers are used across the curriculum from Year 3, in Year 4 teaching becomes more focused and in Year 5 11+ preparation begins – including optional 8am preparation classes during Summer Term before the school day starts, and in the Autumn term of Year 6 too (and in the holidays from Easter to Christmas). The languages studied are French (from nursery), Spanish (from Year 6) and Latin (from Year 4).

Extracurricular and afterschool clubs include chess, VR and cooking, code club, capoeira, photography, fencing and drama.

I’ve lost track of the number of times I’ve been told by a headteacher that “every child is known here” but it’s a lot easier to believe when there are less than 200 pupils to care for. Heathside has a good reputation locally for its pastoral care, with the school using AS Tracking to monitor emotional wellbeing. Mindfulness is taught to children 3-6 years using the classroom-based curriculum Dots with plans to roll out to those in Key Stages 2 and 3 too – no surprise, then, that Heathside has been given Mindfulness in Schools Status by the Mindfulness in Schools Project. There’s also a qualified, in-school part time counsellor from Place2Be, a children’s mental health charity that works specifically with pupils, families and staff at schools.
Nadia Ward was appointed Headteacher in January 2023 so it’s early days, although word on the street is she’s already popular with the parents who have warmed to her approachable style and Montessori teaching background. This is her first headship after being Deputy Head Teacher at Eaton House Belgravia for five years, and she’s clearly attracted to the liberal, informal approach offered here – the children are on first name terms with the teachers, and she’s looking to make the learning more child-centred and active.

The main eyebrow raiser is Heathside’s policy of first name terms for teachers and the children’s uniform of joggers, sweatshirts and wellies, though it’s worth noting that from Year 5 pupils can opt instead for a smart uniform with tie and school jumper. The Forest School provision goes up to Year 5 which is quite unusual and lovely to see. The emphasis on nature and connection requires a disconnection from devices during the school day – much welcome!
17% of the pupils benefit from SEND provision from the fully-qualified SENCO and assistant.

Wraparound care from 8.00am to 6.00pm is available, with morning breakfast club and afterschool care until 6.00pm everyday.
Heathside is a no phone school. Mobiles are put away before lessons begin and returned at the end of the day.
Well, you’re in the middle of Hampstead! Public transport from the tube (2 minutes’ walk) and buses makes it easy to reach the school. To support the Healthy School Street initiative, the school offers a walking bus service from the car park behind Jack Straw’s Castle for all children from reception age upwards. Parents can “kiss and drop” their children off and they will be walked to school by Heathside members of staff.
An Ofsted report in 2022 of ‘Good’ since Dukes Education took over, has laid to rest the 2019 report that asserted the school needed improvement.
For this part of chic North London, reasonable. Nursery and Reception £6,655 per term, rising to £6,845 per term for Year 1-6.

The big plus for most is the family, caring vibe here. Some parents admit to having initially been put off by the lack of meaningful outdoor space at the school but, in reality, the regular access to the Heath gives the pupils plenty of fresh air and exercise. New investment and the new head have both gone down well.

Good for: Parents looking for a small, nurturing school with strong academics and a less formal, traditional set up.
Not for: The lack of physical space at Heathside and small numbers of pupils might feel constricting to those kids who want to be a small fish in a bigger pond.
Dare to disagree?! Go and take a look for yourself at Heathside’s next open mornings, book here!
Heathside School Hampstead, 84A Heath Street, London NW3 1DN. Tel: 020 3974 1486.

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