More Sex please

More Sex, you say? Well if you insist. Charlotte Tilbury has delivered a perfume that apparently boosts your sexiness. We’ll take the lot, thanks.

More sex please, we’re British! Gawd bless Charlotte Tilbury, our most famous beauty export, for coming up with the kind of perfume we can really get behind. Delivered in a heart red vial that looks a discovered magic potion, it’s part of a new perfume range of Collection of Emotion scents that tap firmly into the feelings and wellbeing as well as the senses – so you can also choose from Magic Energy, Love Frequency, Cosmic Power, and Joyphoria, depending on your mood.

But, you know, let’s go back to More Sex (a sentence we’ll never get bored of writing). 84% of those who tried the musk and leather-based perfume said it evoked feelings of seduction, and 80% said it made them feel sexy. Obviously there are elements of Pavlov’s dog here and also smart marketing – if you wear a perfume called More Sex it does set up your mindset for the night! – but we’ve had a spritz and can’t argue with the premise of the scent being spicy and sensual. At £130 it’s a punchy price point – but depending on how your love life is going, it could be the smartest investment you make this month.

Buy More Sex, by Charlotte Tilbury

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